The Australian Food Network
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SV Unboxed - Final Report

Urgent Action To Tackle Food Poverty In Victoria

Sustain Submission Inquiry on Food Security in Victoria

Sustain Guidance for Submissions to the Legal & Social Issues Committee Food Security Inquiry

Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

Sustain submission to the Environment & Planning Committee Inquiry

Nick Rose, Executive Director

Local Community Food Production in Gaza

Nick Rose, Executive Director

Voices in Gaza

Nick Rose, Executive Director

Victorian Parliamentary Inquiry into Food Security - Sustain Briefing Note

Nick Rose, Executive Director

Sustain Annual Report 2023

Local government food system survey 2024

Wrap-Up: Sustain Urban Agriculture Forum Sydney 2023

Submission to the Senate Select Committee on Supermarket Prices

Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

Why we're calling for a $500 million edible garden fund

Dr Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

Walking Story with Dominique Chen

Dominique Chen, Co-founder, Yuruwan

Ballarat Local Food Coalition: A unique opportunity to analyse and future-plan food systems

Cultivating a sustainable food future for the Northern Rivers

Lizzie Mettam, Partnerships, Sustain

Tackling waste at the roots of the food system through the Victoria Unboxed Project

Angus Howlett, Victoria Unboxed Coordinator, Sustain

Support Oakhill Food Justice Farm this EOFY

Common Ground Project

Amy Tacey, Common Ground Project

We've created a NSW election scorecard to highlight what the major parties are doing to create a sustainble, equitable and healthy food system

An undergraduate in Food Studies taught me the theory, but my mentors at Sustain showed me how to make change happen

Savannah Supski, Just Food Collective

Sustain's submission to the Federal Parliamentary Inquiry into Food Security in Australia

Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

Canberra Urban Agriculture Forum 2022 Wrap Up

Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

Government inquiry into food security in Australia

Dr Amy Carrad, Research Officer, School of Regulation and Global Governance, Australian National University

First Sydney Urban Agriculture Forum - a wrap!

Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

Together towards a fairer food system in the Illawarra

Berbel Franse, Food Fairness Illawara

Victorian Independent Food Systems Dialogue - Report

Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

How does ‘closing the loop’ look for cafes now and into the future?

Sam Quirk, Market Gardener, Researcher, and Sustainability Consultant

Facilitating food security system change in regional Western Australia

Dr Stephanie Godrich, Edith Cowan University

Protecting our Sustainably Managed Farmland

Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain: the Australian Food Network

Towards a Healthy, Regenerative and Equitable Food System in Victoria: A Consensus Statement

Dr. Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

2022 Federal Election Scorecard

Dr Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

'Humble Sampler' is supporting small-scale food makers to thrive

Dr Gloria Martinez, Head of Policy and Development, Humble Sampler

2022 Federal election - major parties policy positions on urban agriculture

Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

Urban agriculture and healing

Dr Nick Rose, Executive Director

Our Sunburnt Country

Dr Anika Molesworth, Farmer, scientist and storyteller

Stories of Success and Resilience from Women Farmers in Gaza

Zeno Food, an Inclusive Food Business

Nashwa the Cheesemonger & Scientist

Hanady's Solar Powered Store in Beit Hanoun

Samar Al-Baa the Beekeeper

Olive and Date on Al-Babedi Street

Savannah Supski, Co-founder, Just Food Collective

Reem's Rabbit Farm

Savannah Supski, Co-founder, Just Food Collective

Transformations of Nature and People

Dr. Nicole Chalmer

Apply Now for Food Business Boost

Why I wrote ‘Ecoagriculture for a Sustainable Food Future.’

Dr. Nicole Chalmer

Growing New Roots

Sophia Bagatsing

We want to hear from the orgs creating a healthy, sustainable and equitable food system in Australia

Amy Carrad, Research Assistant, University of Wollongong

Supporting Women Agripreneurs in Gaza

The Pandemic Gardening Survey in Permaculture News

Maria Teresa Diaz, Permaculture News

Mark Bittman on the true cost of cheap ‘junk’ food

Live at the Calyx: First Nation’s Enterprise in Conversation and Action


Why are India’s farmers protesting?

Malaika Mathew Chawla, Produce Packer, Melbourne Food Hub

Sustain’s submission to the draft version of the National Preventive Health Strategy

The urban farmers taking over someone else's backyard as a reprieve from the pandemic

Lisa Clausen, ABC

Anxiety and depression: why doctors are prescribing gardening rather than drugs

2020 Annual Report

Supporting Melbourne's Food Bowl


Job Opportunities in Cardinia & Melbourne

New Membership Benefits for Local Government Staff

Melbourne's Green Wedges and Agricultural Land: Submission in Response to the 2020 Consultation

Sustain, Plan-It Rural and the McLeod Family Foundation

Local Food Procurement: The Opportunity Whose Time Has Come

Leah Galvin, Freelance Consultant & Churchill Fellow

Building Local Food Into Our Schools: Lessons From The USA

Dahlia Zail

Victorian Strategic Agricultural Land consultation: Sustain's Response

Vermont Farm to Plate - Planning for Sustainable and Secure Food and Farming Systems

Re-Greening and De-Paving Sydney

Jess Miller, Councillor, City of Sydney

'Flaneuring' regional Victoria during COVID-19

Savannah Supski

Cardinia Food Circles: Reflections as the Community Engagement Coordinator

Max Godber, Community Engagement Coordinator, Cardinia Food Circles

We've been awarded the Australian Ethical Super Community Grant!

"Locked In" to your local food swamp

Izo Lourival, Director, Sustain

Gardening: A micro-universe of meaning and joy

Ana Spataru & Pooja Mallya

With Love, From Lily

Kelly Donati, Co-Chair, Sustain / Lecturer, William Angliss Institute

Urban Agriculture: The Edible City

Katie Pucket, The Possible

Supporting Indigenous Peoples through food movement work

Michaela Bohunicky, Lakehead University

Food is at the heart of our future

Dr Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

Crisis Gardening: Addressing Barriers to Home Gardening during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Hannah Katz, Environmental Studies, Hamilton College

Peri-Urban Futures: The Crisis in Planning

Michael Buxton & Andrew Butt

COVID-19 Food Justice & Membership Drive

COVID-19 and the Crisis of the Commodified Food System

Dr Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

Brain food to inspire you during COVID-19

Georgia Karavis, Communications & Events Coordinator, Sustain & Melbourne Food Hub

COVID-19 - The need for a local food system has never been more evident

Georgia Karavis, Communications & Events Coordinator, Sustain & Melbourne Food Hub

Transitioning to our future food economy

Anika Molesworth, Co-Founder, Farmers for Climate Action

Jake Claro Farm to Plate Australian Tour Postponed

Together - we can move mountains!

Annemaree Docking, Director, Sustain

Young Farmers Connect – Working Towards Bright and Prosperous Futures for Next Generation Farmers

Joel Orchard, Young Farmers Connect

Indigenous Food Sovereignty, Food Security & Nutrition

Tracy Hardy, Wattleseed Nutrition & Dietetics

In Conversation with Chris Blythe of Social Farms & Gardens UK

Dr Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

Caring for Country and Ourselves: Bushfires and what the "new normal" means for our food system

Kelly Donati, Chair, Sustain

Vermont Farm to Plate Plan Highlights

Dr Nick Rose, Executive Director, Sustain

United African Farm Collective Updates

Kate Sutton, Communications & Events Coordinator, Sustain & Melbourne Food Hub

Bendigo Food Systems Strategy Stakeholder Workshop

Devita Davison and Detroit - A Story of Hope and Renaissance

Charles Massy: How Regenerative Agriculture Will Save Us

Dr Charles Z. Levkoe on his first visit to Australia

Dr Charles Z. Levkoe, Research Chair in Sustainable Food Systems, Lakehead University Canada

Connecting & Inspiring a Movement: New Economy Conference 2018

Kate Sutton, Communications & Events Coordinator, Sustain & Melbourne Food Hub

Food System Transformation in Action

Food For Thought Festival WA 2018

Melbourne Food Hub Open Day Launch

Role of Local Government in Food Policy & Governance

Launch of Healthy & Active By Design by the Heart Foundation

Sustainable Animal Industries Proposed Changes - Submission of Sustain

Eco City World Summit