Transformations of Nature and People

Transformations of Nature and People

In her recently released book, Ecoagriculture for a Sustainable Food Future, Dr. Nicole Chalmer, “explores the damage that has arisen from farming systems unsuited to their environment, and presents compelling evidence that producing food is an ecological process that needs to be rethought in order to ensure resilient food production into the future.” In a…

Why I wrote ‘Ecoagriculture for a Sustainable Food Future.’

Why I wrote ‘Ecoagriculture for a Sustainable Food Future.’

Achieving global food security relies on producing food in ways that are ecologically viable and sustainable. However, today’s prevailing agricultural practices are damaging the very resources upon which our food system and food security depend. Resolving this issue is a mammoth task, but there is much that we can learn from the traditional food production…

Mark Bittman on the true cost of cheap ‘junk’ food

Mark Bittman on the true cost of cheap ‘junk’ food

Well-known food journalist and best-selling food and cookbook author, Mark Bittman offers some thought-provoking insights with his new book: Animal, Vegetable, Junk. In this new book, Mark reveals how food has shaped our past and how we can transform food systems to reclaim our future. Read his latest interview with The Guardian, as Mark unpacks…

Live at the Calyx: First Nation’s Enterprise in Conversation and Action

Live at the Calyx: First Nation’s Enterprise in Conversation and Action

How can First Nation’s enterprises build greater resilience for people, culture and place? As part of the nationwide Urban Agriculture Month in April, the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney held the panel discussion, “Live at The Calyx: First Nation’s Enterprise in Conversation & Action.” The panel was comprised of Sharon Winsor (Indigiearth), Chris Andrews (Black…

Jake Claro Farm to Plate Australian Tour Postponed

Jake Claro Farm to Plate Australian Tour Postponed

Sustain and its partners announced today that the first-ever tour of Australia by Jake Claro, Director of the Vermont Farm to Plate Plan, scheduled for 19-30 March 2020, will be postponed due to the restrictive travel and other containment measures resulting from the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus). “We take this decision with great regret, in…

In Conversation with Chris Blythe of Social Farms & Gardens UK

In Conversation with Chris Blythe of Social Farms & Gardens UK

“Care farming is the therapeutic use of farming practices for people with a defined need to solve issues or improve life chances.” London, 14th December 2019 Before Christmas, Sustain’s Executive Director Nick Rose travelled to London to meet with Chris Blythe, our keynote international speaker for the 3rd national Urban Agriculture Forum, “Care Farming and…

Devita Davison and Detroit – A Story of Hope and Renaissance

Devita Davison and Detroit – A Story of Hope and Renaissance

Devita Davison returned to Australia for the second time in 18 months in late January and early February 2019. She was here for the launch of Foodlab Sydney, an Australian Research Council-funded project led by Sydney University and the University of New South Wales (Canberra), in partnership with the City of Sydney, TAFE NSW and…