We exist to champion the transition to healthy, equitable and sustainable food systems.
To do this, we empower people, government and organisations with the knowledge, tools and connections they need to become agents of food system transformation.

To realise our mission, we ‘Think’, ‘Do’ and ‘Network’ across eight leverage points in the food system.



We bring together diverse stakeholders to press the case for food system change in the halls of power with a shared voice. Endorse the Victoria Consensus Statement or become a signatory to the Urban & Regional Food System Declaration. You can read more about our food systems advocacy here.


We design, conduct and translate publicly accessible research that builds the evidence base for food system transformation. Our flagship research is here.


Consulting & Capacity Building

We have supported dozens of government departments, local councils and community organisations to develop evidence-based and community-informed strategies and initiatives to drive tangible food systems change. Often this service includes professional development to help organisations to think and act in systems – ensuring food system interventions cut across organisational silos.

Growing Food Justice

Growing Food Justice is our community farm collective working to make Food Justice a lived reality for everyone. Across three Melbourne urban farms, collective practice and First Nations allyship guide us as we reimagine and remake the food system at a local level, from the ground-up.

Community Food Initiatives

We mentor and support a range of community level food projects working for human health, equity and sustainability, including the Just Food Collective, Youth World Food Garden, Brimbank Community World Food Garden, Victoria Unboxed food-packaging waste programme and more.


Community of Practice

The Australian Food Network is where food system change-makers gather. Come and share knowledge, find new allies and celebrate every inch of progress we all make together.


To amplify and connect the work of our partners and allies in food system transformation, we host events ranging from webinars and local meet-ups, to our flagship Urban Agriculture Forum held biennially.


Every year, we celebrate the people and places growing local food systems through Urban Agriculture Month. So far we’ve helped 47,000 Australians connect with their local gardens, kitchens, farms and more.