Jake Claro Farm to Plate Australian Tour Postponed

Sustain and its partners announced today that the first-ever tour of Australia by Jake Claro, Director of the Vermont Farm to Plate Plan, scheduled for 19-30 March 2020, will be postponed due to the restrictive travel and other containment measures resulting from the spread of COVID-19 (coronavirus).

“We take this decision with great regret, in light of the enormous amount of work that our staff and partners across the country have dedicated to making Mr Claro’s tour a big success. It is, however, the right decision to be taking at this time”, said Sustain Executive Director, Dr Nick Rose.

The good news is that Mr Claro has confirmed his availability for a re-scheduled tour from 8-21 February 2021, and all our partners have re-affirmed their commitment to continue to work together towards a very successful national tour early next year.

“The current pandemic, coming as it does in the wake of an unprecedented and catastrophic bushfire season, has, more than ever, highlighted the urgent need for the transition to healthy, sustainable, resilient and fair food systems.” Dr Rose added.

Sustain and its partners will continue their collective efforts, in ongoing discussions with Mr Claro, to build community, government and industry support for this necessary transition.

Please note that those who have already purchased tickets will be refunded 100%. We encourage those who are able to assist us in continuing our work strengthening local food systems by donating (see the footer of this page) or becoming a member.

For comment: Dr Nick Rose, Executive Director, 0414 497 819 / [email protected]

Download the media release here.

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