
Live at the Calyx: First Nation’s Enterprise in Conversation and Action

How can First Nation’s enterprises build greater resilience for people, culture and place?

As part of the nationwide Urban Agriculture Month in April, the Royal Botanic Gardens in Sydney held the panel discussion, “Live at The Calyx: First Nation’s Enterprise in Conversation & Action.”

The panel was comprised of Sharon Winsor (Indigiearth), Chris Andrews (Black Duck Foods Ltd) and Brenden Moore (Community Greening Royal Botanic Gardens Sydney) in conversation with host Clarence Slockee of Jiwah, who was also among the keynote speakers for the third National Urban Agriculture Forum.

In the recorded video below, listen to their discussion about the enterprising businesses and programs they work with, and how they are leading the way in First Nation’s enterprises building greater resilience for people, culture and place.

Learn about what they, and their enterprises, do to support youth, culture and their communities, and the role they play to help seed and grow more urban greening, urban agriculture and greater resilience for all.  Listen, learn and be inspired about action you can take where you live and work to help grow a more inclusive, sustainable food future.

Our beautiful country is home to precious biodiversity and native plants that provide food and habitats for the birds and animals we love. We humans can also enjoy many of these delicious native foods and flavours. Increasingly, we ‘are’ thanks to First Nation’s enterprise leaders who share their knowledge and passion to make more native plants, fantastic foods and other products available that utilise native plant ingredients in ways that connect people, place, culture and country .

Wherever we live and work, we can all support our biodiversity and its recovery after the 2019/2020 fires in the Greater Sydney Basin. Knowing what native food plants we can grow, eat, protect or forage for in the city and suburbs is all part of the picture, as is supporting Indigenous enterprise, lead by people who understand place, plants and people and the respectful, right ways to develop native food industries.

The event was supported by the City of Sydney and presented in partnership with Foodswell and Sustain: The Australian Food Network.

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