Launch of Healthy & Active By Design by the Heart Foundation

On 1 November 2017 Sustain Executive Director Dr Nick Rose travelled to Perth to attend the launch of the Heart Foundation’s Healthy Food tool, part of its Healthy and Active by Design website.
The Healthy Food tool is designed for planners, policy makers and health professionals to integrate provision for healthy food outlets and growing spaces in the built environment:
Planning for food recognises the importance of food and improving the availability and accessibility to healthy food through built environment characteristics. This includes considering retail types and locations, transport infrastructure to food retailers, food advertising, and potential for public open space to be used for food production and education. It also includes the provision of community amenities, such as water fountains, community gardens and breastfeeding facilities.
Fast food the new smoking: Urban planners urged by experts to consider health in planning approvals
Nick was also interviewed by Perth ABC radio: 11117 Nick Rose ABC Afternoons interview
His wide-ranging presentation can be viewed online here.