Transformations of Nature and People

Transformations of Nature and People

In her recently released book, Ecoagriculture for a Sustainable Food Future, Dr. Nicole Chalmer, “explores the damage that has arisen from farming systems unsuited to their environment, and presents compelling evidence that producing food is an ecological process that needs to be rethought in order to ensure resilient food production into the future.” In a…

Why I wrote ‘Ecoagriculture for a Sustainable Food Future.’

Why I wrote ‘Ecoagriculture for a Sustainable Food Future.’

Achieving global food security relies on producing food in ways that are ecologically viable and sustainable. However, today’s prevailing agricultural practices are damaging the very resources upon which our food system and food security depend. Resolving this issue is a mammoth task, but there is much that we can learn from the traditional food production…