We Can’t Eat Concrete
Sustain calls for strong government action as Victoria builds the equivalent of Melbourne’s CBD over productive farmland every year
Melbourne’s ‘foodbowl’ is essential to Victoria’s food security, and its many greengrocers and municipal markets are critical to its public health infrastructure. Yet both are under threat by relentless urban expansion and the unconstrained market power of the supermarket duopoly.
A new report tabled in Parliament on 26 November, Securing Victoria’s Food Supply, followed a year-long inquiry into the issue by the Environment and Planning Committee (EPC). The EPC also looked more broadly at issues affecting the resilience of Victoria’s food system and its capacity to withstand supply shocks and interruptions like extreme weather events and COVID.
While the loss of farmland is a critical risk, so is the market power of the supermarket duopoly. This undermines the viability of Victorian farmers, with many not seeing price rises in decades. Sustain: the Australian Food Network is concerned that the EPC has placed too much faith in the Federal government’s revised Grocery Code of Conduct being sufficient to address this issue.
“The supermarkets have excessive power in the Victorian system, and they use it to the detriment of both farmers and shoppers. We need policy and planning levers that go further in protecting Victoria’s most precious food assets from this power imbalance.”
“We are disappointed that neither the EPC nor the Legal and Social Issues Committee (LSC) in its report on Food Security in Victoria (released on 14 November) have taken that crucial step”, said Dr Nick Rose, Sustain Executive Director.
“At the same time, we acknowledge the report’s many excellent recommendations that could help us significantly progress the transition to a more sustainable and resilient food system”, Dr Rose said.
“In particular, we welcome the Committee’s recommendations for a Victorian Food System Strategy based on food as a basic human right and the call to appoint a Minister for Food and a Victorian Food Council.
“We wholeheartedly support recommendations for permanent protection of Melbourne’s peri-urban farmland and greater support for Victorian farmers, especially those operating at a smaller-scale and supplying local markets. This is essential for protecting the integrity, independence and diversity of Victoria’s food system”, Dr Rose added.
“The ball is now in the Victorian government’s court. Will it rise to the challenge to adopt these recommendations – and those of the LSC report – and thereby lay the foundations for a sustainable, dignified and healthy food future for all Victorians?”
For inquiries contact:
Dr Nick Rose, Executive Director
M: 0414 497 819