Sustain Annual Report 2023

2023 was a massive year for Sustain!

Events, consultancies, research, networking, advocacy, place-based urban farming, training and paid internships – 2023 was a huge year for us. 

Our work with local government and community has identified strategies for improving food relief coordination, building social cohesion, and nurturing the networks and connections for strengthening local food systems. Our annual Urban Agriculture Month and biannual Urban Agriculture Forum, held in Sydney this year, were resounding successes, showcasing the vibrant community of people committed to cultivating food in our cities and towns. Sustain’s Oakhill Food Justice Farm in Preston continues to flourish as an abundant place for community healing and connection.

Outgoing Sustain Chair, Dr Kelly Donati

2023 Highlights include:

 – Collaborating with staff, community leaders and more than 600 members in the City of Banyule to design and deliver their first Urban Food Strategy and Action Plan

– Engaging with over 90 stakeholders in a refresh of the City of Melbourne’s Food Policy

– Co-creating a Food Security Framework for Action with the City of Casey

– Facilitating a Local Food Coalition for the City of Ballarat

– Performing a comprehensive Holistic Food Assessment for the wider Goulburn region

– Undertaking a major food security and social cohesion mapping and needs assessment study for the Inner Metropolitan Partnership (Cities of Port Phillip, Melbourne and Yarra)

None of this would have been possible without our passionate, talented and committed staff and Board, and our growing community of members, funders and supporters. I am deeply grateful to everyone who contributed to Sustain’s journey in 2023 and look forward to working with you in the challenging and exciting years ahead.

Nick Rose, Executive Director

We invite our members, supporters and followers to download and read our 2023 Annual Report.

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